Old Year, New Year (Sunday Post – 1/03/16)

January 3, 2016 Sunday Post 28

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!

My Week

Mr. Bookwyrm left last Sunday and has been working hard all week. Despite missing him dreadfully, I’ve been reveling in time with Robin, my parents, and my sister, brother-in-law, and niece. We’ve had good conversations, played Pounce (a card game), joked and laughed and generally had a wonderful time. There’s a whole ‘nother week to go before Robin heads back to college and I head back home. I know I’ll enjoy it, but I’m looking forward to seeing my husband at the end of it. The one week we had together out of the past five weeks is not enough!

I’ve spent a lot of time this week reviewing 2015 and thinking ahead to 2016. I don’t plan any major changes to the blog, but I will be tweaking things a bit to give myself more freedom to read what I want, when I want. I’d also like to free up some time for other things I enjoy doing, like knitting. Hopefully I can do that by becoming more efficient and organized, rather than cutting back on blogging! I’ll be posting my 2016 resolutions on Tuesday (see below.)

One resolution that didn’t make the list (because it’s more short-term) is to clear out the backlog of 200+ comments I haven’t answered. They built up during a series of of work-related crunch times, and while I’ve done a decent job of keeping up with recent ones, I’ve still got the backlog sitting there. I made a start on them this weekend, and I hope to get to all of them by the end of January.


Last Week on the Blog


Upcoming on the Blog

  • Mon. 1/04: The Lady’s Command (Stephanie Laurens) – review
  • Tues. 1/05: 2016 Resolutions: Bookish and Otherwise – Top Ten Tuesday
  • Wed. 1/06: TBD
  • Thur. 1/07: TBD
  • Fri. 1/08: The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend – review
  • Sat. 1/09: News & Notes 1/09/16 – tentative
  • Sun. 1/10: Sunday Post 1/10/16 – tentative


What I’m Reading/Watching

I reread the Hathaways series by Lisa Kleypas, followed by Stephanie Laurens’ latest historical romance. I’m currently reading The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. Next, I need read The Masquerading Magician (for a blog tour in January), and then I can return to Forbidden (Beverly Jenkins.)

On New Year’s Eve, we watched 84, Charing Cross Road. I had never seen it, but it’s a wonderful movie. Now I want to read the book! Other than that, I haven’t been watching much TV here, but my mom has watched several episodes of White Collar and I’m starting to get interested… but it will have to stand in line behind some other shows.


New Additions to the Hoard

Cover links take you to Goodreads.

 For Review
What We Find by Robyn Carr

Many thanks to Pyr and Harlequin MIRA!


Purchased for Kindle (last 2 weeks)
Coming Home by Rosamunde Pilcher
The Empty House by Rosamunde Pilcher
Voices in Summer by Rosamunde Pilcher
Silver on the Road by Laura Anne Gilman
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey

All of these were on sale when I bought them, except the Stephanie Laurens. I actually got The Rithmatist quite a while ago, as a Christmas gift for Robin, but since we share the same Kindle library, it’s now available to me also.


I hope you have a terrific week,  and happy reading!

28 Responses to “Old Year, New Year (Sunday Post – 1/03/16)”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Well, that is several weeks worth (I didn’t post Kindle purchases last week), but it does look tasty, doesn’t it? 🙂

  1. Lola

    That must be hard seeing your husband so little. It does sound nice how you’ve spent time with your family. I hope 2016 is a great year for you and I am looking forward to your resolutions post :).
    Lola recently posted…Sunday Post #159My Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      It is hard, on both of us. He was originally scheduled to be with us on vacation for longer, but things changed at work and he had to go back to finish his part of a project. I’m loving the time with our daughter and my parents and my sister’s family, but I’m also looking forward to being with him again.

  2. Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library

    You MUST read 84 Charing Cross Road. It’s absolutely delightful! I do think it’s very different from the movie though. I love the Rosamunde Pilcher books. I’m hoping to reread Winter Solstice and her short story collections this year. Actually I just want to do a lot more rereading this year. There are so many old favorites that I miss! And now you’ve inspired me to pull 84 out of the shelf! That is too bad about Mr. Bookwyrm but I know you’re enjoying your time with Robin and your family. Have a great week!
    Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – January 3rdMy Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      So many people whose opinions I value (and that includes you) love 84, Charing Cross Road, so I am sure I will, too. Perhaps I’ll get a chance to read it this year – I hope so, anyway!

      I find that even if I don’t have time to re-read, I end up doing it anyway. So part of my cutting back on review books this year is to read books I want to read but haven’t gotten to, and part is to reread whatever old favorites I’m missing most! I hope you, too, find time to re-read this year.

  3. Bea @Bea's Book Nook

    You got Silver on the Road, yay! I liked that one so much.I can’t wait to hear what you think of it. Only 1 week with Mr. Bookwyrm in the past 5 weeks? 🙁 I can imagine you can’t wait to get home and have more time with him. I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with the rest of the family.

    Happy 2016!
    Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #174 Happy New Year!My Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I think your review was one of the ones that made me pick up Silver on the Road when it went on sale for Kindle, so thank you! And yes, it’s rough spending so much time apart, but I understand the necessity of him going back to get the project done.

  4. RO

    I really enjoyed the White Collar series, as well as Leverage. Something about con artist programs intrigues me. Glad you had time to laugh with family. That’s the best thing ever! Hugs…RO

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I didn’t think I’d like White Collar from the initial descriptions, but it’s really grown on me. Although if I decide to watch it, I’ll have to go back to the beginning. My mom’s in season 3 or 4, I think.

  5. Joann Downie

    I just won $25Paypal from a Holiday hop and so I went book shopping, and one of the books I am getting is Loving Rose by Stephanie Laurens. I enjoy historical romances very much. I hope you and hubby have a great reunion-LOL
    Terrific books you have there!! Have a great week!!

  6. Literary Feline

    It sounds like you have had a wonderful week. I admit to being a little jealous that I had to work most of last week while my husband, daughter and our extended family were home playing.

    I think I may try my hand at knitting at some point in the future since crocheting hasn’t worked out. Catching up on comments can be big challenge. I try to stay on top of them, but life does get in the way. Don’t feel too badly–or too pressured. People will understand if you can’t get to them all.

    I love the cover for Masks and Shadows. And I quite enjoy what I’ve read of the Krewe Hunter series so far. I hope you enjoy all your new books!

    Have a great week!
    Literary Feline recently posted…Sunday Post: Happy 2016!My Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thank you; it helps to know people understand and won’t take it personally if it takes me a while to get back to them!

      Knitting is a lot of fun, especially if you listen to audiobooks while you’re doing it (thus combining two hobbies!) Of course, a good book and a difficult pattern aren’t great partners; I tend to stick to more mindless knitting when I’m listening to a book

  7. Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind

    Aw! I’m sure you and your husband will be soon together and will have a nice reunion (: ~ I have a hard time sometimes being on top of my comments when I’m gone from the blog so I understand how you must feel with your comments. Not that many comments but still (;
    I hope you have a great week. You got so many books I’m sure you will.
    Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind recently posted…Reading Like Crazy: Bout of Books TBRMy Profile

  8. Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders

    You and Mr. Bookwyrm should have some amazing date nights planned! The man works night shift for the police department, so when he is off during the week, I only see him for a couple hours on the weekend between him getting up and going in to work. It is tough. I can’t imagine not seeing him for five weeks! Have fun catching up on your comments. One thing I keep putting off is updating all my older posts with the new review format to streamline things. I also need to get my categories and tags cleaned up. It just seems like an overwhelming nightmare that I keep putting it off. Happy reading this week!

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Wow, I can’t imagine dealing with all the shift work. (Well, I can, because I did shift work for a year when we were first married, but I couldn’t have kept it up.) Please thank your guy for me: I am enormously grateful to people who serve as police and first responders.

      I really relate to your updating-of-older-posts woes. I have 5 years of older reviews to convert, and I don’t know that I’ll ever get it accomplished! Same with categories and tags. It just takes so darn much time!

  9. Charlie @ Girl of 1000 Wonders

    I will! He actually just sent me a text: Just finished a vehicle pursuit. I am wide awake. (Which means he’ll have a ton of paperwork to fill out this morning.)

    I am incredibly proud of him. He served three tours overseas and did stuff that can’t be talked about. He is the most up-to-date officer in his station in terms of the new laws, and he is very patient with people. More than I would be. He put in to switch to day shifts so we can have some more time together, even when he still works weekends.

    Do people really update their old stuff? That’s what I’m wondering at this point.

  10. Sarah

    My husband travels 100% for his job. We go weeks without seeing each other as well. He’s been home the ast 3 weeks so I try to spend more time with him and less reading, then when he leaves I read like crazy.
    I will have to check back for your review of Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend. I’ve been seeing that pop up recently and it looks interesting.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      That must be so hard! Although my husband works long hours at times, he only has to go on travel a few times a year, and never for more than a week. So as far as time completely apart goes, it’s more often me, traveling to see one or both sets of my parents. (And even that is only about twice a year.) At least you and I both have books for company when we’re on our own!

  11. Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    It sounds like your holiday has been really good, even if you miss Mr. Bookwyrm! Planning stuff is good – do you listen to audiobooks while knitting? I don’t really knit anymore, but I think that would work for me.
    I hope you’ll enjoy Whiskey Creek, it’s one of my favorite contemporary romance series, those characters have become my friends 😉
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…Review: The Fractured Heart – Scarlett ColeMy Profile

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I can do “mindless” knitting (easy patterns) while listening to audiobooks or watching a show or movie. Harder patterns like lace require more mental attention. I did enjoy one of the Whiskey Creek books I read, though they’re a little edgier than I usually prefer in a romance.