The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures – I mean books!
My Week
It was a singularly uneventful week, other than finally getting my new glasses and having lunch with a dear friend. Mr. Bookwyrm and I watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which was really good) and finished up the new Cosmos series, and I’m watching Campion: ‘Mystery Mile’ (I got the second set for Christmas.)
I put some of my free time to good use and pulled together a list of book fairs, book festivals, and book-related conventions. The list is aimed at readers, not writers, but there are links to lists for writers. It’s a new page on my blog; you’ll find the tab below the header. I hope you’ll find it useful! If you know of local book festivals I didn’t put on there, please let me know.
I’ve left most of my review slots empty for next week, because I’m doing the COYER Scavenger Hunt readathon. Hopefully I can get the books not only read but reviewed; if not, I’ll put a review or two out of storage.
Last Week on the Blog
- Mon. 1/19/15: Dogwood Hill (review)
- Tues. 1/20/15: Mini Bloggiesta Wrap-up
- Wed. 1/21/15: Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow (review – tentative)
- Thur. 1/22/15: Death and the Redheaded Woman (review)
- Sat. 1/24/15: News & Notes 1/24/15
Next Week on the Blog

- Mon. 1/26/15: (review TBD)
- Wed. 1/28/15: One Wish (Thunder Point) (review)
- Thur. 1/29/15: (review TBD)
- Fri. 1/30/15: (review TBD)
- Sat. 1/31/15: News & Notes 1/31/15
New Additions to the Hoard
For Review
Signed! Many thanks to author Sabrina Jeffries and Anna of Herding Cats & Burning Soup
Purchased or Free for Kindle
Believe it or not, I actually managed not to buy ANYTHING this week!
Have a great week, and happy reading!
I read One Wish yesterday. Good luck with the Scavenger Hunt. I am keeping this week open with the baby coming. Oh I hope Twas the Night Before Christmas is good..I do love Jeffries
kimbacaffeinate recently posted…Sunday Post #144 Bookish Problems
I don’t blame you for keeping this week open… just read whatever you want whenever you have time. As for the Sabrina Jeffries, I’m looking forward to reading it, but I can’t decide whether to read it soon or save it for the 2015 holiday season. Have a great week, and I’m praying for that grandbaby to come soon and for a healthy mom and baby!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
I have the 1st and 2nd Thunderpoint series and am looking forward to getting to them and Death and the Redheaded Woman oh yeah and Dogwood Hill. Oh and that’s a Sabrina Jeffries I haven’t read yet. Aack! So many books I need to read! Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…This Week in Reading – January 25
Isn’t that always the way? I love the Sunday Post because I get to catch up on reviews I’ve missed and see what other good books are out there that I might want to read… but it sure plays havoc with my TBR list! Have a great week and I’ll be by shortly!
Red Iza
I love the covers of Shadow scale and Uprooted, but I’m afraid I haven’t read any of these books. Heard a lot of good about Sabrina Jeffries, though ! Good luck on your COYER, enjoy your new glasses 😉
Red Iza recently posted…The sunday post #6 : lazy week
People seem to love Sabrina Jeffries, and I love a good historical romance, so I’m looking forward to reading it! Thanks for coming by.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
I don’t have time to do the Scavenger Hunt, and that makes me so sad! But I have exams next week, so it will be all work and no play for me 🙁
I love Sabrina Jeffries, and I hope you’ll enjoy ‘Twas the Night After Christmas 🙂
Have a fantastic Sunday and a great week.
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews recently posted…The Sunday Post #16 – Busy Bee
I only have time to read a few books for it, and that only because I am between freelance jobs at the moment. Good luck on your exams! And have a good week, if you can around all the studying. 🙂
Shandy Jo
Sun and Moon Ice and Snow has a pretty cover. I haven’t heard of any of these books before thanks for sharing. Have a great week!
Shandy Jo recently posted…Sunday Cup of…(#3)
It does – although I think I like its other cover even better. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by!
Can’t wait for Shadow Scale and I’ve added Uprooted to my TBR list.
I was literally squealing with joy when I got each of those approvals – I’ve been waiting for Shadow Scale for so long, and I love Novik’s Temeraire series, so I can’t wait to see what she does with a dragon in a YA fantasy.
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Yay for new glasses! 🙂 I’ll have to check out your book fair etc links! I’m always interested in going to those kinds of things, but I just mostly don’t have enough information about availability. 🙂 So this is great. I haven’t read anything by Robyn Carr and I wish I’d read Seraphina when it released, but both are still on my TBR list. Have a great week!
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know
Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know recently posted…2015 Series Enders Reading Challenge – January Wrap Up
I needed the prescription change – not so much for distance but definitely for reading. (Yes, I’m in bifocals these days.)
One of the reasons I put together the book festival list is that I would like to go to more of them myself. I’m lucky to live not too far from Washington, DC, so I have gone to the National Book Festival once and the Baltimore Book Fair once, but there are others I could get to if I knew when they were. And I figured there were other people who would feel the same way. I’m hoping people will contact me about local festivals that I can add to the list.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian
Great list of book events…thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your new glasses and the week ahead.
Catherine @ Book Club Librarian recently posted…Weekly Book Recap #95
Hi, Catherine! Thanks for stopping by. Glad you liked the book events list!
Laurel-Rain Snow
I plan to start reading more Robyn Carr books…well, I say more, but haven’t read any yet. I do have one on Sparky, though.
Enjoy your week! Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Laurel-Rain Snow recently posted…AUTHOR’S HOME PAGE
I hope you enjoy it! I really love her, though I’m fondest of the Virgin River series.
Steph from
I so lost track of Cosmos – I thought it ended but I probably just forgot to watch it. I loved his explanation for evolution with the bears. Here’s my post:
Steph from recently posted…Inward Looking Week: The Sunday Post
It’s on Netflix streaming, if you want to finish it up! Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by.
Bea @Bea's Book Nook
No scavenger hunt for me, no time, but it does sound fun. I still need to go back and read your reviews from last week. I’m behind on my blog visits.
Have a great week and stay warm!
Bea @Bea’s Book Nook recently posted…Sunday Book Share #125
No worries – I get behind too! As for the scavenger hunt, I’ve already read a book with a one-word title for 1 point; now on to the next. Hope you stay warm, too!
Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More
I keep putting off getting new glasses. I need to get them soon since I am sometimes squinting with them on.
I’m also doing the COYER scavenger hunt. I’m a slow reader because of work so I’m aiming for the higher points. This is a fun challenge so I hope we both do good!
Kathy @ My Nook, Books & More recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up 39
Definitely time to get new glasses, if you have to squint in the old ones! That was my problem, too. Good luck with COYER and the scavenger hunt. It’s going to be fun. I’ve got some books that should fit several categories for higher points, too.
Congrats on winning a book! I haven’t heard of that one, but it looks like a historical romance, so I’ll have to check it out.
Your list of bookish gatherings! This is perfect, just what I have been looking for. People keep talking about some of these and I have no idea where they are located.
Good luck with COYER! This is a much needed challenge for all of us I think.
Dreams recently posted…Dreams Series Appreciation Giveaway
Oh, I’m glad you like the list! It took all day to put together, but I wanted one, and I couldn’t find a really comprehensive one, so… I took the lists I could find and then searched for other festivals. I’m sure I’m missing a bunch, but hopefully people will tell me about more.
Good luck to you with COYER, too, if you’re doing it. I haven’t been as focused as I should be – I went on a rereading binge – but I’m getting back to it now. The Scavenger Hunt helps.
laura thomas
Everybody seems to be wishing for Shadow Scale, so now I am too. Got me curious.
Enjoy your new glasses and books. Time to break them in:)
laura thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #94 and The Sunday Post
Laura, have you read Seraphina? If not, you should really read it first; Shadow Scale is the sequel. And Seraphina was amazing – well worth reading, especially if you like dragons.
laura thomas
I’m just on the fence about spending that much for an eBook. I usually dwell on it for a while before I can make up my mind. I thought I had Seraphina but alas, not.
laura thomas recently posted…What’s New On My Bookshelf #94 and The Sunday Post
There’s always the library! 😉
You’ve been busy. I love your festivals section. That’s a great idea.
Enjoy your books! I can’t believe you didn’t get any Kindle freebies this week. I don’t think a week goes by when I don’t get something.
Have a great week!
Yvonne recently posted…Sunday/Monday Posts – January 25th and 26th
Thanks, Yvonne! I hope it will be helpful. As for Kindle books, I have so many books to read already that I’m trying not to pick up new ones unless I really want to read them… which still yields me a fair few most weeks!
We liked Captain America too. And nice con list- I got some ideas there of cons I’d like to go to, a few I wasn’t aware of. Shadow Scale and Uprooted both look interesting.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #79
Glad the list was helpful! There are several cons I’m eying, but I also want to get to a bunch of book festivals this year. The YA Book Festival coming up in Arlington, VA looks good.
Lily B
Hope you enjoy Sabrina Jeffries, I really love her writing.
Lily B recently posted…Review: Get Even (Don’t Get Mad #1) by Gretchen McNeil
Thanks! I’m not sure whether to start it soon or put it off until the next holiday season. I do have a lot of books in-house at the moment, so maybe I’ll wait, even though I’m eager to try her work.
I think it’s so great that you have reviews “on storage”, lol 🙂 I can barely keep up with my GR reading challenge for the year (in fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve already fallen behind…) All my respect and admiration for someone who can read and review so many books. Well done!
Ramona recently posted…Zen Monday: I Write, Therefore…
Thank you! At the moment, I have a whopping 1 review in storage, and 1 non-review post, but I’m trying to build it back up again. I had about 5 or 6 last year, but ended up using them all during weeks when (freelance) work was too hectic to write posts. They tend to be reviews of older books, books that have been out for several years (or decades), so they’re not too time-sensitive.
Peggy Farooqi
Thank you for the list of book fairs and conventions, so extremely useful – and international. Def will have to pick out the UK-based ones and maybe Germany.
The Pegster Reads
Peggy Farooqi recently posted…Richard and Judy Book Club Spring 2015
Good, I’m glad you found it helpful! 🙂
anna (herding cats & burning soup)
Yay! So glad it got there. I loved that book 🙂 Hope you have a great week Lark!
anna (herding cats & burning soup) recently posted…In His Keeping (Slow Burn #2) by Maya Banks (@HarperCollins)
Yes, it arrived safely and it looks great! Thanks so much!
Oh winning books is always fun! Hope your having a wonderful week! 🙂
Lily recently posted…I’ll Meet You There: Review
It sure is! I’m having a pretty good week, except for a strange lack of motivation. Oh, well, it will come back – probably around the same time that work picks up! 😉
Jennifer @ The Relentless Reader
New glasses are always fun. I’ll be picking out a new pair in March and I’m already looking forward to it, lol.
My family really liked The Winter Soldier too. I thought it was one of the better comic movies in the past few years 😀
I hope you’re having a great week!
I agree; The Winter Soldier was one of the best Marvel movies yet. And as my daughter pointed out, it’s a movie with a hero and a heroine who aren’t romantically involved. They’re allies who become friends. And she’s just as capable as he is, and just as crucial to their success. All those things are really rare in the movie world.
Tressa @ Wishful Endings
I should do the COYER scavenger hunt too, but I’m so crazy busy that I haven’t been able to actually participate and mingle. I am reading though. Have a great week!
Tressa @ Wishful Endings recently posted…Review: A Timeless Romance Anthology: All Regency Collection by Anna Elliott, Sarah M. Eden, Carla Kelly, Josi S. Kilpack, Annette Lyon, and Heather B. Moore
I’m not mingling much, and I haven’t reviewed the two books I’ve read so far, but I will (hopefully today.) I think you participate in whatever way you can, and don’t worry about it. 🙂
Angie @Angela's Anxious Life
I have been super busy the last two weeks… took a trip to TX and there was no time for the internet. I am going to check out your book event list. I really want to do some bookish things this year.
Angie @Angela’s Anxious Life recently posted…Find Momo by Andrew Knapp Review
I hope the list proves helpful to you! I want to go to several book festivals this year, too.