The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures—I mean books!
My Week
We held the first rehearsal for the spring concert last week, and I’m really pleased. Several new families have joined, and my teen chorus has grown by nearly a third. I’m looking forward to today’s rehearsal!
I finished up the index and had to plunge immediately into the next one. I won’t get a breather until the end of April.
Friday’s “nor’easter” winds were fierce in our area, causing many downed trees and power lines. Most area schools announced they would be closed on Friday; they didn’t think the roads and buses would be safe for the kids. I think they were right! It was a Very Blustery Day. Lots of my friends lost power, lost trees, even lost portions of their fences, siding, or roof shingles. Thankfully, our house fared fine; the power stayed on, thanks to the dual blessings of buried power lines in our neighborhood, and our section being on the same feeder line as the fire station. There are branches down all over our yard, but on the whole we got through relatively unscathed. Our next-door neighbors lost a tree, but it fell into the woods without doing any damage.

Last Week on the Blog
- Sunday Post – 2/25/2018
- Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge – my sign-up and goals
- Hello Stranger (Lisa Kleypas)—Review & Giveaway! – blog tour
- News & Notes – 3/03/2018
- Sunday Post – 3/04/2018 – this post
Upcoming on the Blog
- First Kiss of Spring (Emily March)– spotlight and excerpt
- Favorite Book Quotes – tentative
- WIP Wednesday – tentative
- Other posts TBD
- News & Notes – 3/10/2018 – tentative
- Sunday Post – 3/11/2018 – tentative
What I’m Reading/Watching
Reading: I’ve had very little time for reading anything but the books I’ve been indexing. I finished The First Kiss of Spring (Emily March; ARC) and finished rereading The Complete Arrows of the Queen Trilogy (Mercedes Lackey, from my collection.)And I made a smidgin more progress on my other reads: Cat of the Baskervilles (ARC), The Problim Children (ARC) and A Scandal in Battersea (library.)
I need to do better than this if I’m going to meet my goals for the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge!
Listening to: I’m 50% through Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (a re-listen.)
Watching: We squeezed in about half an episode of Father Brown season 5 and one episode of Star Trek: Discovery. Mr. Bookwyrm is still working a lot of late hours, and so am I, so that cuts into our TV time.
New Additions to the Hoard
Cover links take you to Goodreads.
For Review or Review Consideration
Library Books
Lost and Found Sisters (Kindle via Overdrive)
Purchased for Kindle
The First Kiss of Spring and Hello Stranger were both preordered before I got the ARCs, but they are by authors I like to reread so I didn’t cancel my preorders. The others were all on sale; some I’ve read but want on Kindle, and two (the Roberts and Heartstone) are new to me.
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Glad you had a lovely rehearsal! I really want to read the new Lisa Kleypas book since I really enjoy most of Lisa Kleypas’ works!
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) recently posted…The Sunday Post Meme (125)
I thoroughly enjoyed it—I hope you do too!
Yay for a good rehersal! The Problim Children looks like a lot of fun! Hope you are enjoying it!
Andreea recently posted…The Weekend Post #10: Never Going on NetGalley EVER
I’ve been having a hard time sticking with it, for reasons that have nothing to do with the book itself (which so far is whimsically, wackily delightful.) Hopefully I can make more progress this week!
Maybe you just aren’t in the mood for it right now? I usually take a short break from the book when I feel like this.
Andreea recently posted…Otaku Sunday #11: Dates, Penguins and Punks
Yes, that’s probably a good idea. I’m not really in the mood for whimsical and wacky right now, even though sometimes I adore that sort of thing.
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books
Glad you didn’t lose power!
In the UK, we had atrocious weather this week and there were concerns that gas supplies would run out. Thankfully that never happened!
Have a good week!
Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted…Weekly Catch Up #1
Thank you, Nicci! I’m glad the gas supply didn’t run out. The Beast from the East sounds like its name is well-deserved. I’m glad you, er, weathered the storm all right.
So glad you got through the storm okay! We didn’t lose power, either, so that was good!
I’m glad your power stayed on, too! It was really windy. Our county clocked the highest wind gust in the DC area: 75 mph.
Rita @ View From the Books
Glad your chorus rehearsals are going well. Too bad work is getting in the way of pleasure reading, but you only have so many hours in a day (unless you stay up late at night, reading)!
I entered your giveaway for the Lisa Kleypas book. Now it’s making me want to pick up book one in that series and give it a read. The handful of books I’ve read by her were all enjoyable. I’m wondering about the Malliet series too. I don’t see much talk about it but it sounds like a comfort read to me.
It’s nice to book chat with you again, Lark. Hope Robin is doing well, too!
Welcome back, Rita! I hope you enjoy the Lisa Kleypas series. And the Malliet mystery series is very good; they have a lot more depth than most contemporary cozies. I read the first two and have been meaning to get back to the series.
Rita @ View From the Books
Okay, you’re Lark– I’m Rita 🙂 lol just joking! Now I will look for the Malliet series. Sometimes I definitely need a good cozy series to fall back on. And I want to look for more Kleypas books. Good to chat with you!
LOL! I can’t believe I did that! I had about 4 hours of sleep the night before and wasn’t firing on all cylinders… and there’s another Lark who blogs about books, too; I had just visited one of her posts so our shared name was still in my mind. Sorry about that! I’ve fixed it. 🙂
Enjoy your new books! We had alot of winds here too this weekend, plus snow and rain. I’m ready for Spring! Have fun with the Take Control of Your TBR, I’m doing that one too.
Spring came early here; we had some very warm days in February. I’m a little nervous we’ll get a final winter blast before the official start of spring, though. Good luck with Take Control!
Mary @StackingMyBookShelves!
I have to get Lisa Kleypas. I just adore that cover! I am riding out the storm that took out our power at a friends. So surreal looking at all the downed trees and power lines cut in half. They say we won’t have power to our area till Wednesday!! Have a good Sunday!
Mary #SundayRoundup #8
Wow! Sounds like it was even worse where you are. Maybe because we lost a lot of trees back in Hurricanes Isobel and Irene? I think they said the last areas of our county should have power back by Tuesday night, but a lot of people already got theirs back on. I hope yours comes back soon!
Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks
Oh wow, that’s a bit crazy aboout the wind, I’m glad your house was fine. We’ve had tough weather too – a lot of snow, and it’s been very cold – don’t know about F, but in C it was down to -22C. Ugh! DISLIKE. It’s a good thing I mostly work from home! Poor boyfriend does not, though, and he had to go out to that weather while sick. Imagine that…
Hope you have a nice and wind free March 🙂
Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks recently posted…February Stats Fever!
Too bad about your neighbor’s tree, but I’m glad it fell into the woods and not on a house or car (or person). Have a good week!
We were all very relieved! Mr. Bookwyrm and I were awake when it fell, so he got up to check and make sure our neighbors (and our cars) were all right. Fortunately, all was well.
I’m glad you made it through the wind without major damage! I would never have thought of school be cancelled due to wind, but I can see how it could be unsafe with powerlines and trees falling — particularly for traveling those streets. How exciting about your choir, I hope it keeps going well!! Have a great week 🙂
I saw a few complaints from people online when the closures were first announced (along the lines of “we had to go to school in whatever weather,” to which my reply was, no, we didn’t.) I noticed the complaints pretty much disappeared after widespread power outages and downed trees were reported…
I love working with the kids in my choruses. There are two groups, one for K-6th and one for 7th-12th (plus some adult mentors.) The kids are great—always enthusiastic, and they always learn a lot and rise to the occasion. 🙂
I could re-listen to the Harry Potter books forever. I really like the narrato and how he brings the story to life. Glad you made it okay and hope you have a great week!
Cricket recently posted…My Sunday Post #54
They’re great, aren’t they? I love them.
This weather has been surprising a lot of people for sure, and thank goodness you didn’t lose power. Sounds like the Spring concert is really coming along. Kudos! Looks like plenty of good reads! Hugs…RO
RO recently posted…SAY WHAT?
Thank you, RO, and have a great week!
Barb (boxermommyreads)
I got a used copy of Heart Stone from Thrift Books some time back but have never made time for it. I’m so glad that you and your home remained safe. We were just on the edge of the winds in my state and I can’t imagine what everyone else went through. Hope you have a great week and I can’t tell you how happy my day is when I hop on a blog and see anything Pooh!
Barb (boxermommyreads) recently posted…The Cruel Prince (and a whole lot of other cruel people too!)
I remember noticing Heartstone when it first came out, and I put it on my GR want-to-read list because it sounded irresistible. I mean, a mix of Austen and dragons?
Lead me to it! But my library never got a copy, and I kind of forgot about it until it showed up on sale for Kindle. 🙂
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library
That’s crazy about the weather. It definitely sounds like it’s best school was closed! I’m glad the tree didn’t do your neighbors any damage. It’s so scary when trees start coming down. I really am looking forward to reading the Lisa Kleypas series. I can’t believe I haven’t read any! Have a great week!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…What’s Getting Me Through the Winter (non-bookish edition)
Yes, I think they were absolutely right to close school! I rescheduled my trip down to Richmond, too. I was worried about road conditions, and the authorities were actually telling people to avoid travel if at all possible. I’m glad I stayed home!