Sunday Post – 12/11/16

December 11, 2016 Sunday Post 8

The Sunday Post is hosted by the wonderful Kimba, the Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news, recap the past week, take a look ahead, and showcase our new treasures — I mean books!

My Week

We spent the week with Robin in Arizona. Both she and I had some work to finish: final evaluations and a few essays for Robin, and the index for me. I turned in the proofread version Monday, but had a few author-requested tweaks to make mid-week. (That’s not unusual.) We saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them; we went to Robin’s dance concert; we visited a meadery and sampled their meads (which were delicious); and Robin taught me to spin on her housemate’s spinning wheel. Look: my very first hand-spun yarn! It looks blue in the photo, but it’s actually a soft turquoise. I’m now hooked on spinning, and dreaming of owning my wheel someday.


Lark’s handspun yarn. (Photo © 2016 The Bookwyrm’s Hoard)


Last Week on the Blog


Upcoming on the Blog




The sign-up post for The Backlist Reader Challenge is up! If you’re looking for a year-long challenge to read books from your TBR pile or list, this is the one! It will be a chance to get to some of those older titles you’ve been wanting to read. I posted my goals last Monday.


What I’m Reading/Watching

Reading:  I put both Tempest (Valdemar anthology; ARC) and Lady Claire Is All That (Maya Rodale; ARC) on hold again this week, mostly for lack of time and reviewing attention. I read Accidentally on Purpose (Jill Shalvis; ARC) and started re-reading The White Dragon (Anne McCaffrey; my collection.)

Listening: I’m back to listening to Made in America again, and we listened to some podcasts on the drive to New Mexico.

Watching: The three of us saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, and I loved it!

New Additions to the Hoard

Cover links take you to Goodreads.

For Review or Review Consideration

Many thanks to Crooked Lane Books!

Purchased for Kindle

 I bought a bunch of Kindle books on sale this week, but didn’t have time to list them because we were traveling all day yesterday, so maybe I’ll do Monday Mailbox (or whatever that meme is) this week.


Have a great week, and happy reading!


8 Responses to “Sunday Post – 12/11/16”

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      Thank you, Lory! I’m not sure what brand the wheel was; it belongs to my daughter’s housemate. …A little research on the internet suggests that it’s an Ashford Traditional. I really liked it, but I don’t think I’ll be able to afford one! (The housemate got an incredible deal on it.)

        • Lark_Bookwyrm

          I think I’m going to start watching Craigslist in my area, and see if anything comes available. And I’m definitely going to pick up a drop spindle in the meantime.

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      I think spinning will be more relaxing when I’m more skilled at it and have to think about it less, but yes, I can see it being very relaxing. I know a lot of spinners listen to audiobooks or watch TV when they spin, so you can also get a kind of two-for-one thing going on. 🙂

  1. Charlie

    Oh, how fun! So glad you enjoyed your visit and got to spend time with Robin. Who owns a spinning wheel? I don’t know anyone who does! That’s a unique trait these days!

    • Lark_Bookwyrm

      The wheel belongs to one of Robin’s housemates (and classmate). Apparently she got a great deal on Craigslist. I gather she has a wheel at home. I have at least one friend who has a wheel, though I don’t know if she does much spinning these days.