It’s almost time for Bloggiesta!
What’s Bloggiesta, you ask? Well, here’s how the organizers describe it:
Bloggiesta is a blogging marathon (sometimes over a weekend, sometimes four days and this time one week!) where we as bloggers gather together to help each other work on all sorts of blogging tasks, stuff that we often put off and avoid. Or stuff that we’re scared of trying. Or stuff that we haven’t had time for.
This time around, it runs from March 23 to March 29, which should give me plenty of time to get at least a few goals done. So here’s what I want to accomplish:
- Catch up on answering comments. I fell behind during an index project crunch, and I’m trying to catch up, but it’s going slowly. ETA – Working on it!
- Write up at least 3 of my backlog of reviews.
- Write reviews for any books I finish during the week.
- Post at least 4 older reviews to Goodreads & Amazon.
- Catch up on posting challenge reviews to the challenge host’s page:
Cruisin Thru the Cozies, Fairytales, Historical Romance, TBR Pile, Witches & Witchcraft, Take Control - Move forward with my blog header and design. That doesn’t mean finishing everything, but I’d like to take some more steps in that direction. Some ideas:
adjust standard font size. Clean up sidebar. Create a blogroll (maybe.) ETA:Upload new header and change color scheme to match. - Extra goals (if time allows): Create a reviews archive page. Update the Author Birthdays page.
Wish me luck!
ETA (3/26/15): I’ve come down with a horrible cold which is making it really hard to concentrate on much of anything.
Good luck on your list! Happy Bloggiesta!
S recently posted…Spring 2015 Bloggiesta TO DO list
Thank you! I didn’t want to set my goals too high, so I’m hoping I can actually finish them. 🙂
Michelle@ Because Reading
Great list, Good Luck with all your goals, I will hopefully be done with your header so you and update it this week, I will have a proof for you soon 🙂
Michelle@ Because Reading recently posted…A Week Long Bloggiesta Goal Post!
Yay! (Wait until you see it, y’all!)
Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...
Good luck with your goals! I need to catch up on posting my old reviews to Amazon & Goodreads too. Happy Bloggiesta!
Terri @ Alexia’s Books and Such… recently posted…Spring Bloggiesta 2015
Good luck to you with yours, as well! I’ll pop over and see what they are… I may end up adding a few to mine. 🙂
What a great list! Good luck with everything 🙂 Happy Bloggiesta!
Reanna recently posted…Sunday Post #15: Has Spring Sprung?
Looking at other people’s goals, it seems pretty unambitious, but I’ve got a lot of other stuff to do this week, and I know that some of this will take longer than I think. Thanks for the luck – I will need it! 🙂
I like the font in banner, and I really like your social media buttons. Revamping my blog visually is a long time, piece by piece goal. One of my goals is to meet as many new bloggers as possible, so I am spending today visiting as many blogs on the sign up as possible. Happy Bloggiesta!
Elizabeth recently posted…It’s Monday, What are you reading? 3/23
[chuckles] And I just got rid of the old blog header and the social media buttons! I like my new design, though. It’s been a while in the planning, and I’m still fine-tuning the color scheme. I’ll be making tweaks for a while. Happy Bloggiesta, and thanks for stopping by!
I came back to see your changes, and it really does look good. Bloggiesta inspired me to switch to WP and go self hosted. I’ve hired Creative Whim to do it, so it should be coming along in the next weeks.
Elizabeth recently posted…A Legend Brought to Life: The Shepherdess of Siena
Thank you! If you’ve hired Creative Whim, I know you’ll be happy. I didn’t have the money to have Ashley design my site at the time, but I had her transfer me to self-hosted and that went very smoothly. Plus I love how easy it was to customize the Tweak Me theme once I finally got around to it! And UBB is great!
Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll)
A review archive is on my list, too. Don’t know if it will happen this week, though.
Great list! Wishing you a happy and productive Bloggiesta!
Joy Weese Moll (@joyweesemoll) recently posted…My Bloggiesta Plan
Well, I’m definitely happy with what I got done today! Good luck to you as well!
This is a great list, Lark! Good luck on accomplishing your goals this week 🙂
Kassiah recently posted…{Bloggiesta} Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! March 23-29
Thank you, Kassiah! As you can see, I worked on the blog design today. 🙂 Good luck on your goals, too!